Nationwide Polygraph Examiner Listings -

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Nationwide Polygraph Examiners and Lie Detection Professionals
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Washington Oregon California Nevada Arizona Utah Idaho Montana Wyoming Colorado New Mexico Texas North Dakota South Dakota Nebraska Kansas Oklahoma Arkansas Louisiana Iowa Missouri Minnesota Wisconsin Illinois Mississippi Alabama Georgia Florida Indiana Kentucky Tennessee Michigan Michigan Ohio South Carolina North Carolina West Virginia Virginia Maryland Delaware Washington D.C. Pennsylvania New Jersey New York Alaska Hawaii Puerto Rico Vermont Maine Connecticut Connecticut Rhode Island Rhode Island Massachusetts Massachusetts New Hampshire New Hampshire Virgin Islands
Alabama Alaska Arkansas Arizona California
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  West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming  

Nationwide Listings for Credibility-Assessment Polygraph Professionals

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How does a polygraph work?

A polygraph records microscopic changes to a person's body at four points as they answer Yes or No to a pattern of questions.
Scoring involves comparisons of various responses.
Following standards reached through Government studies, a Pass or a Fail can be applied to each response.

polygraph test chart

What body parts are touched during a polygraph examination?

The attachments to the body are made at:
--left arm
--right hand

polygraph connect to the body

What are the steps of a polygraph examination?

A polygraph examination is broadly broken into three parts:

1. Pre-Test
(explanation and question development)
2. In-Test
(chart collection)
3. Post-Test

How accurate is a polygraph test?

In most major cities you can not become a police officer without first passing a polygraph test.

Same with FBI and other Federal investigative agencies.

How many questions can I ask to be used on a polygraph test?

Most examiners use a format that allows up to 4 questions of importance.

How can I increase the accuracy of a polygraph test?

--be well-rested
--don't be dehydrated
--use questions answerable with a Yes or a No
--use questions no more than 20 words long